Artist's Statement
Painting from life, capturing the light and feel of a specific location or setting, interpreting the world in a way that will inspire others and create a sense of harmony in their lives are my goals as well as my reward.
Painting is the way I communicate and express how I feel about the world around me. I want the viewer to share this emotional response to the subject.
Each day I paint fills me with great pleasure and joy and makes me look forward to the following day, so that I can paint again. My brushes and paints are the tools through which I speak: without them, I am silent.

Southwest Gallery Dallas, TX
Nor'Easter Gallery Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA
Red Oak Gallery & Studio Conroe, Tx
Fran Ellisor's classic and eloquent style of painting is sure to capture your heart. Her paintings have won numerous awards in national as well as regional shows. Her paintings are highly collected. She is represented in corporate and private collections in the U. S. and abroad. Fran paints on location outdoors or from life about half of the time. These paintings will be denoted on this website with "en plein air" meaning painted to completion outdoors. All still lifes will be denoted "alla prima" meaning they are painted from life in one session. The remainder are studio paintings, which are painted from studies done on location and from photos, drawings and other information.
Fran Ellisor has been painting the landscape professionally for over twenty years. She spends much of her time painting outdoors on location and working from life. Her style is a painterly realism; her strokes are confident yet spontaneous; her colors are clean and fresh. She is an accomplished figure and portrait painter and is known for her intimate, elegant still lifes.
The subjects of Fran's paintings come from her life and surroundings. She has carried her paintbox from Alaska to Mexico and Guatemala, across the United States and to Spain, France, Italy and Greece. She includes these areas from around the world in her works.
It's not unusual to find this Impressionist painter along one of Texas backroads or creeks, painting what she sees, expressing what she loves. The Texas landscape plays an important role in her paintings including the Hill Country,desert mountains of West Texas, and from the piney woods of East Texas to the lush tropical seaside of the Gulf Coastal areas. You'll likely see her painting anywhere she finds beauty and interesting subjects.
About the Artist

Demonstrator, art class and workshop instructor
BBA, University of Houston,
Post-baccalaureate fine art studies at North Harris College
Professional artist since 1990
Demonstration for art league.